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Towards global governance

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By members of Collegium International

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See press release.

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1. A "polycrisis".

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We must face a conjunction of global crises that is unprecedented in history: depletion of natural resources, irreversible destruction of biodiversity, disruption of the global financial system, dehumanization of the international economic system, famines and shortages, pandemics virals, political disaggregation… None of these phenomena can be considered in isolation. They are all strongly interconnected and form a single "polycrisis" threatening this world with a "polycatastrophe". It is time to take the systemic measure of the problem, to finally bring it integrated solutions - the first steps to redefine the principles which should inspire the global conduct of human affairs in the future.

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2. Recognize our interdependencies.

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Because these major crises of the 21st century are global, men and women around the world must recognize their multiple interdependencies (between Continents, Nations, Individuals). Emerging disasters and imminent disasters: standing at the crossroads of emergencies, it is time for humanity to become aware of its community of destiny. There is no butterfly effect here, but the reality, serious and strong, that it is our common home that threatens to collapse - and that there can only be collective salvation.

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A lesson from globalization par excellence, none of our States or any international institution is today able to enforce a world order and impose the essential global regulations. The end of imperial temptations, the death knell for Western domination alone and the growing intervention of non-governmental actors today mark the limits of the notion of state sovereignty and the failure of its international expression: inter-governmentalism. . National interests can only be safeguarded by measures common to all, while too often local selfishness transforms the international scene into an often sordid bargaining forum, whether in terms of environmental protection or the fight against global warming, stabilization of trade in raw materials and basic products, planning of energy resources, reduction of economic and trade imbalances, regulation and control of financial markets, as aptly potentially destabilizing consequences of migratory flows, he increase in inequalities or social exclusion, collective security comes up against the inevitable short-sightedness of national interests.

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In this zero-sum game, every concession always feels like a defeat. Even behind the promotion of multipolarity all too often hides only the precarious balance of national aspirations for domination. To remedy this pitfall, it is necessary to develop alternative organizational models to hegemony, both integrated and pluralist.

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3. Rethink international legal principles.

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To establish a world governance worthy of the name, that is to say one that finds its coherence on a global scale, it is important to transform international law into common law of humanity by rethinking the following principles:

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  • to develop that of sovereignty towards shared sovereignty;

  • redefine that of territorial jurisdiction to make possible justice with a universal vocation;

  • strengthen that of international security, by extending the "duty to protect populations" invoked by the Security Council in connection with the massacres in Libya, by broadening the sphere of protection beyond armed violence by recognizing a duty towards future generations and the biosphere.

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Because true world governance can only develop on condition of overcoming the pitfall of compromises dictated solely by bargaining between particular interests, then of building mechanisms for making planetary political decisions - in the interest of humanity, understood as a community no longer international, that is to say interstate, but global, that is to say interhuman.

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4. Affirm a new principle.

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The first step towards this world community, the preliminary condition for the process of metamorphosis in which would be born a world-society of a new type whose unity, while forming a Homeland, would maintain the diversity of homelands and cultures is to associate the various actors, state and non-state, individuals and organizations, in the universal recognition of a new principle resulting from interdependence, that of planetary intersolidarity.

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In line with major international texts (from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the Statute of the International Criminal Court, including global public goods), this principle must both preserve diversity in a spirit of tolerance and pluralism, and resist relativism which leads to dehumanization. Far from opposing the principle of responsibility to the principle of hope, the principle of intersolidarity reconciles them so that fear generates solidarity and that responsibility opens up to hope.

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5. Take three emergency measures.

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By dint of forgetting the essential for the emergency, we forget the urgency of the essential.

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To avoid the repetition of increasingly serious and destabilizing economic and financial crises, intersolidarity must urgently translate into the implementation of measures requested by civil society and many parliaments, or even announced by several governments, but buried in practice under the weight of banking and financial lobbies:

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  • the effective eradication of tax havens;

  • the separation of deposit and speculative investment banks;

  • taxation of financial transactions.

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6. Relaunch fundamental negotiations.

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Inter-solidarity must also lead the international community to pick up the thread of negotiations relating to the measures to be taken to regulate and control a globalized economy while ensuring balanced sustainable development and a reduction in inequalities between states as well as intra-states. This laudable and legitimate ambition, which aimed to establish a new international economic order that is more just and more stable, an essential condition for international security, was unfortunately sacrificed from the 1980s under the pressure of neoliberal theories, the extent of which we can measure. extent of the damage today.

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It must also be expressed through a relaunch of discussions and rapid decision-making on the problems to be resolved in the short term for the survival of the planet:

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  • safeguarding the biosphere;

  • suppression of weapons of mass destruction;

  • control of nuclear energy.

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7. Comply with four permanent conditions.

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Effective implementation presupposes:

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  • to reaffirm all the fundamental rights of the individuals present, to extend them to future generations and to strengthen their application within the limits necessary, in a world democratic society, to respect national and supranational public order;

  • to recognize that the possession of power on a global scale, whether economic, scientific, media, religious or cultural, implies the corollary of a global responsibility, that is to say extended to all the effects of this power ;

  • to encourage sovereign states to recognize the need to integrate supranational public order into the defense of the common values ​​and interests of which they are the indispensable support;

  • to promote the development of representative institutions of regional international communities, at the same time as to strengthen the world community and the emergence of a global citizenship in order to develop a common policy for the regulation of flows as well as the prevention of risks and the repression of crimes.

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We therefore call for the creation of a political melting pot where the best interests of humanity can be concretely defined, a place where the diversity and wisdom of cultures can be expressed, through representatives of civil society and the authorities. moral, intellectual and scientific.

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We call on the representatives of the States to put pressure on the General Assembly of the United Nations, in order to lead to the adoption of a "Universal Declaration of Interdependence" which sets itself the objective of ensuring respect for the duty to protect people. populations against the risks, present and future, and to empower the various actors of globalization.

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We call, in short, to rediscover the pioneering spirit of the United Nations Charter which proclaimed “We the peoples. "

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Signatories, members of Collegium International:

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Edgar Morin, Michel Rocard, Mireille Delmas-Marty, Richard von Weitzsäcker, Milan Kučan, Stéphane Hessel, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, René Passet, Peter Sloterdijk,

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Bernard Miyet, Patrick Viveret, Ahmedou Ould Abdalah, Ruth Dreifuss, William vanden Heuvel, Michael W. Doyle, Ricardo Lagos. Waiting for other signatories.

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