Universal Declaration of Interdependence
“The Earth, home of humanity, constitutes a whole marked by interdependence” (Preamble to the Rio Declaration, Earth Summit, 1992)
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We, the peoples of the United Nations, recall:
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Our attachment to the values of the United Nations Charter of June 26, 1945 and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948, reaffirmed at the International Conference in Vienna and incorporated into the Millennium Declaration.
We notice that :
Having become a fact linked to globalization, interdependence is both an opportunity and a risk:
a chance, because the globalization of flows (financial and goods flows, migratory flows, flows of scientific and cultural information) testifies to a community of life which conditions the future of the planet and that of humanity;
a risk, because this phenomenon entails a globalization of ecological and biotechnological risks, as well as risks of social exclusion and marginalization (not only economic but also social, scientific and cultural) and a globalization of crimes (linked to trafficking in persons and as to terrorism), threatening the security of people, property and more generally of the planet. This testifies to the existence of a community of destiny.
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We consider that:
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The globalization of flows favors practices that extend beyond national territories to the benefit of transnational networks which organize themselves according to their specific interests (lex mercatoria, lex electronica) without having a vocation to defend common interests. The globalization of risks and that of crimes demonstrate the limits of relativism and call for measures of prevention, regulation and repression according to a common policy and with common legal means.
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The time has therefore come to build interdependence as a project by committing ourselves
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both as individuals, as members of distinct communities and nations, and as citizens of the world.
to recognize our responsibility and to act, directly and through the intermediary of States and Communities (infra and supranational), to identify, defend and promote the common interests of humanity.
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We declare that:
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The community of life and the community of destiny call for the proclamation of the principle of planetary intersolidarity.
This principle implies, on the one hand, recognizing a diversity based on tolerance and pluralism; on the other hand, to carry out an integration process involving both individuals, organizations holding power, States and the international community and assuming:
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extend all the fundamental rights of individuals present to future generations and develop them within the limits necessary, in a democratic society, to respect national and supranational public order;
to recognize that the possession of a global power, whether economic, scientific, media, religious or cultural, implies the corollary of a global responsibility, that is to say extended to the whole field of the effects of this power ;
to encourage sovereign states to recognize the need to integrate supranational public order into the defense of the common interests of which they are the indispensable support;
to promote the development of representative institutions of regional international communities at the same time as to strengthen the world community and the emergence of a global citizenship in order to develop a common policy for the regulation of flows as well as the prevention of risks and repression crimes.
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Presented to the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan and to the President of the United Nations General Assembly, Jan Eliasson, October 24, 2005, the 60th anniversary of the United Nations.
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First signatories:
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ATLAN Henri, Bio-physicist and philosopher, France
BOLGER James, former Prime Minister of New Zealand
DELMAS-MARTY Mireille, University Law Professor, France
DREIFUSS Ruth, former President of Swiss Confederation
EVANS Gareth, President ICG, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Australia
FRASER Malcolm, Chairman, InterAction Council; form Prime Minister, Australia,
GOLDMAN Sacha, Secretary-General, International Collegium, France
HALPERIN Morton, Director of US Advocacy, Open Society Institute, USA
HESSEL Stephane, Ambassador of France
KUCAN Milan, former President of Slovenia
LE CARRE John, Writer, UK
LEVITTE Jean-David, Ambassador of France in USA, Washington DC
MORIN Edgar, Philosopher, France
OULD ABDALLAH Ahmedou, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in West Africa, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mauritania
PASSET René, Economist, France
RAMOS Fidel, former President of the Philippines
ROBIN Jacques, Philosopher, Founder of 'Transversales', France
ROBINSON Mary, former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, former President of Ireland
ROCARD Michel, former Prime Minister of France
SAHNOUN Mohamed, Ambassador of Algeria
VAN AGT Andreas, former Prime Minister of the Netherlands
VASSILIOU George, former President of the Republic of Cyprus
VIRILIO Paul, Philosopher, France
VON WEIZSÄCKER Richard, former President, Germany