Created in 2002 to search for new answers to the challenges of our time, the Collegium International brings together prominent thinkers from the fields of philosophy, science and the arts, as well as state leaders and diplomats from various countries. It has forged links with the United Nations and diverse governmental and academic bodies. Collegium International is focusing on the development of a doctrine of global governance, which is most urgently needed in these unpredictable times.
Advocacy for Global Interdependence

Founders, board & members

Founders: Michel Rocard, Milan Kučan, Stéphane Hessel
Honorary President: Edgar Morin
Bureau: President: Jacques Toubon; Vice-President: Pascal Lamy;
Secretary General: Sacha Goldman; Development manager: Eric Ploteau;
+ Scientific council; + Orientation advice
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Plaidoyer pour une Charte d'Interdépendance

Interdependence Day 2005 in Paris